Tax-efficient ways to achieve your commercial goals

Tax-efficient ways to achieve your commercial goals

Tax-efficient ways to achieve your commercial goals

Despite Covid, our corporate tax team have had a very busy 2021 working with clients to achieve their commercial goals tax-efficiently.

Here is a snapshot of what we have worked on:

Achieving your commercial goals with tax-efficient Capital Gains Tax and Stamp Duty advice

Gift of Shares in Trading Company to Family Members

Advice to Irish domiciled, UK tax resident individuals on gifting shares in an Irish resident trading company to Irish resident family members, including Irish and UK Capital Gains Tax (“CGT”) and Capital Acquisitions Tax (“CAT”) as well as advice in relation to the UK remittance basis of taxation.

Advice in Relation to Partition of Family Trading Company

Advice in relation to the partition of an Irish based family trading company, including the availability of Capital Gains Tax (“CGT”) relief.

Merger by Absorption / Merger by Acquisition

We advised an Irish trading group on the tax implications of rationalising its corporate structure by merging companies in the group.

Creation of Corporate Group Structure

Advice to an Irish trading company on expanding its shareholder base and customer reach outside of Ireland, leading to the creation of a holding company structure, with specific focus on the availability of Capital Gains Tax (“CGT”) and Stamp Duty reliefs.

The Voluntary Liquidation of an Irish Trading Company and the Availability of Reliefs

We advised the shareholders in an Irish resident trading company on the tax implications of liquidating their company and the availability of Capital Gains Tax (“CGT”) reliefs including Entrepreneur Relief.

Selling a business – the tax implications for minority shareholders

Advising a senior executive on the Irish tax implications of receiving shares in his new employer’s company, including whether a claim to Entrepreneurs Relief could potentially be made on a future disposal of those shares.

Talk to us about how we can help you. For more details, please contact Tom Mahon or David Kehoe.

Please note: The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavour to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act upon such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.

Get in touch with one of our experts

Warren & Partners are a boutique Irish tax and business advisory firm based in Ballsbridge, Dublin. Our experienced-team of tax advisors will create unique tax solutions for your specific business needs.